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19–22 Apr 2022
Vienna International Centre
UTC timezone

NHtd white paper

19 Apr 2022, 14:00
C0213 (Vienna International Centre)


Vienna International Centre

Vienna International Centre


Dr Jean-Christophe SUBLET (IAEA)


The technical meeting on nuclear heating theory an data; prompt, delayed and decay radiation heat, secondary particle’s energy productions and energy balance white paper describes the existent with regards to the field actual cover, capabilities, needs and challenges ahead. Heating is an important parameter in nuclear systems, particularly in unchartered R&D, while secondary radiation sources need to be better characterised, quantified, and qualified when they are required for an application. R&D is needed to support the necessary enhancements, processes, and data forms, foreseen for the multiple energy, non-energy, earth and life sciences applications and provision for high-fidelity Multiphysics simulation efforts.

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