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6–10 Dec 2021
Virtual Event
Europe/Vienna timezone
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Unstable beta-induced ion temperature gradient (BTG) eigenmodes in JET plasmas with ITBs and elevated monotonic q-profiles.

6 Dec 2021, 14:10
Virtual Event

Virtual Event

Oral Effects of Energetic Particles in Magnetic Confinement Fusion Devices Effects of Energetic Particles in Magnetic Confinement Fusion Devices


Dr Nicolas Fil (UKAEA, CCFE)


JET deuterium experiments in an advanced tokamak scenario with an internal transport barrier (ITB) exhibit unstable electromagnetic (EM) perturbations in the sub-TAE frequency range. In JET pulse number (JPN) 92054, a high-beta plasma ($\beta_N = \beta_T B_T a / I_P \sim 4.38 [\%Tm/MA]$) with high power neutral beam injection (NBI), $P_{NBI} = 25.1 MW$, contained EM perturbations identified as beta-induced ion temperature gradient (BTG) eigenmodes and not beta-induced Alfvén eigenmodes (BAE) nor beta-induced Alfvén acoustic eigenmodes (BAAE) which are often destabilised in similar plasma conditions. The EM perturbations are localised near the $q=2$ magnetic surface related to the ITB, and their frequency correlates well with the BTG characteristic frequency (ion diamagnetic frequency, $\omega_i^*$) and the thermal ion temperature gradient ($\nabla T_i$). BTG modes are the most unstable modes due to the high thermal ion temperature gradient in the ITB, high thermal ion temperature compared to thermal electron temperature ($T_i / T_e > 1$), and a high ion beta. Three well-defined conditions for BTG modes to exist, defined by BTG analytical theory [1], are fulfilled in JPN 92054: (1) a positive relative ion temperature gradient, (2) ion beta higher than a critical value, and (3) a low magnetic shear. BTG theory also predicts a mode location in the vicinity of a rational magnetic surface, a frequency scaling with $\omega_i^*$, and a coupling between Alfvén and drift waves. We have performed linear gyrokinetic simulations with validated plasma profiles and equilibrium, and find a mode with features resembling those of the experimental and theoretical BTG modes; specifically the mode is kinetically driven by thermal ions, is localised near the $q=2$ magnetic surface, has a dominant Alfvénic polarisation, and its frequency scales with $\omega_i^*$ dependent on the toroidal mode number ($n$). Parts of this work have been reported in [2].

BTG modes are also observed in more recent JET plasmas during energetic particle scenario experiments aimed at studying alpha-particle driven AEs, performed in JET 2019/2020 deuterium campaigns. Reflectometer diagnostic data confirm that the mode location is around the $q=2$ magnetic surface. We also present evidence for a systematic correlation between the BTG mode stability and the neutron rate roll-over (i.e. $d(R_{NT})/dt$ transiting from positive to negative).

[1] A. B. Mikhailovskii and S. E. Sharapov. Beta-induced Temperature-gradient Eigenmodes in Tokamaks. Kinetic Theory. JET Joint Undertaking Reports, JET–P(98)12:1–16, 1998.
[2] N. Fil, et al. Interpretation of electromagnetic modes in the sub-TAE frequency range in JET plasmas with elevated monotonic q-profiles. Physics of Plasmas, Accepted, 2021.

This work has been carried out within the framework of the EUROfusion Consortium and has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014-2018 and 2019-2020 under grant agreement No 633053 and from the RCUK [grant number EP/T012250/1]. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission.
This work was supported by U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) through DEFG02-99ER54563, DE-AC05-00OR22725 and DE-AC02-05CH11231).

Speaker's Affiliation UKAEA, CCFE, Abingdon.
Member State or IGO United Kingdom

Primary author

Dr Nicolas Fil (UKAEA, CCFE)


Presentation materials