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15–19 May 2023
Vienna International Centre
Europe/Vienna timezone

X-ray spectroscopy of Ne-like W in fusion plasmas

Not scheduled
Board Room A (Vienna International Centre)

Board Room A

Vienna International Centre

Wagramer Strasse 5, Vienna, Austria A-1400
Magnetic-Confinement Fusion Plasmas Poster Session


Oleksandr Marchuk (Forschungszentrum Juelich)


Measurements of plasma parameters in the core of magnetic fusion devices represent a challenging task. Expected emission of x-ray lines of highly charged ions of W will be used in ITER or DEMO for derivation of electron and ion temperature, plasma rotation and finally the plasma control. In spite of considerable efforts to design the x-ray instruments operating in extreme harsh environment of future plasma devices [1], the accurate modelling of such spectra is still far from been complete [2].
The aim of this work is to provide the accurate effective rate coefficients for the lines in the spectral region of 1.35 Å to 1.5 Å of the contributing charged stages of W necessary in plasma modelling. The synthetic spectra are decomposed in contribution from Mg-, Na-, Ne-, F-, and O-like ions. This work provides probably the most complete set of atomic data for interpretation of the future X-ray spectra. Indeed, whereas the Ne-like ions are in general responsible for the line formation at the core of plasma devices, e.g., in the temperature range of 15-25 keV, the contribution from Na- and F-like ions remains considerable. We demonstrate here an overlooked impact of inner-shell ionization of Na-like W ions on the line formation of some of Ne-like lines. The intensity of some of the lines increase by up to 30 % which challenge the selection of the X-ray line to be measured in ITER or DEMO.
The calculations were performed with the collisional-radiative model NOMAD [3] using the FAC code [4] calculations of elementary atomic processes such as electron-impact rates, radiative and autoionization rates, etc. The model includes about 103 - 104 levels in each ion. We identified 51 lines in this interval which we describe in terms of effective rate coefficients of excitation Q$^{exc}$, recombination Q$^{rec}$ and inner-shell ionization Q$^{ion}$:
I(T)λ\propto N_e N{[Ne]} Q^{exc} (T)+N_e N_{[Na]} Q^{ion} (T)+N_e N_{[F]}Q^{rec}(T),
\end{equation} where T is the electron temperature, I is the line intensity, λ is the wavelength corresponding to the specific bound-bound transition, N$_{[He]}$, N$_{[Na]}$ and N$_{[F]}$ are the fractions of the Ne-, Na- and the F-like W ions, respectively. The tabulated values of fit results for the effective rate coefficients are presented. The errors of such decomposition remain on the order of 1 % and below in comparison to exact calculations and should provide a reliable basis for integrated plasma modelling of X-ray spectra from W ions.
Cheng Z. et al, Review of Scientific Instruments 93 073502 (2022)
Beiersdorfer P. et al, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 43 144008 (2010)
Ralchenko Yu. V. and Maron Y J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 71 609 (2001)
Gu, M. F. ApJ, 582, 1241 (2003)

Presenting Author Marchuk
Presenting Author Email Address
Presenting Author Affiliation Forschungszentrum Jülich
Country Germany
Presenting Author Gender Male

Primary author

Oleksandr Marchuk (Forschungszentrum Juelich)


Marc Sackers Yuri Ralchenko (NIST) Dr Wolfgang Biel (Forschungszentrum Jülich)

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