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19–30 Oct 2020
IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria
Europe/Vienna timezone

Management of NORM Waste in Ghana: Building Human Resource Capacity and Logistics

Not scheduled
IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria

IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria

Virtual Conference
Poster NORM Residue and Waste Management Session VI - Solutions for Residue and Waste Management


Dr Abdallah M.A. Dawood (Radioactive Waste Mnagement Center, Ghana Atomic Energy Commission)


Naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) is regarded as a radioactive material without a significant amount of radionuclides than those that occur naturally. NORM are primarily daughters of uranium (U-238) and thorium (Th-232) naturally present in subsurface geologic formations. As a result, oil and gas extraction; mining and processing of phosphate minerals, mineral sands, gold bearing rocks, coal and hydrocarbons are the major sources of NORM. When NORM concentration in the various by-products of its emission sources accumulate beyond regulatory level, they are referred to as NORM waste. There is a growing concern in Ghana regarding management of NORM waste as the country is a major gold, oil and gas producer. The Radioactive Waste Management Center (RWMC) of the Radiation Protection Institute (RPI) of Ghana undertakes routine safety assessment and sensitization program as part of it radioactive waste management activities at major sites of national concern such as the gold mines. The main objective of such operations is to assure safety of workers as well as members of the general public from the potential harmful effects of NORM by ensuring concentrations at the working area are within acceptable limits. Other objectives include: to generate national data of NORM, identify hotspots and create national inventory of NORM waste. To this end, activities of RWMC need to be enhanced and expanded to cover wider spectrum of operations, with the required tools and well trained human resources. This article discusses the strategic plan of the RPI of Ghana towards NORM waste management in particular and radiation protection in general. Participant will also use the opportunity to learn latest skills and techniques; be part of network of expertise to deal effectively with current and future challenges.

Primary author

Dr Abdallah M.A. Dawood (Radioactive Waste Mnagement Center, Ghana Atomic Energy Commission)

Presentation materials