Total flux expansion, a divertor magnetic topology design choice embodied in the Super-X divertor, is predicted through simple analytic models [1] and SOLPS calculations [3] to reduce the plasma and impurity density detachment thresholds as the outer divertor target strike point position, Rt, is increased. Since the total magnetic field, |B| ~ 1/R, |B| at the target is lowered as Rt is...
A major challenge facing the design and operation of future high-power steady-state fusion devices is to develop a robust boundary solution with an order-of-magnitude increase in power handling capability relative to present experience, while having acceptable erosion at the surface of the plasma facing components (PFCs) to ensure an adequate reactor lifetime. Recently, a small angle slot...
Active handling of excessively high heat load and tungsten sputtering on divertor targets is of critical challenge for EAST and future fusion devices like ITER and CFETR. It is acknowledged by the fusion community that divertor detachment is the most promising means for steady state plasma-wall interaction control.
Significant progresses on the active feedback control of H-mode detachment...
Future fusion reactors require a safe, steady state divertor operation. In the detached regime, the power and particle fluxes to the divertor targets are sufficiently reduced to meet the material limits. In H-mode operation at the full-tungsten ASDEX Upgrade tokamak (AUG), this is achieved by injection of significant amounts of nitrogen into the divertor volume. This increases dominantly the...