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3–6 Sept 2019
Shizuoka City, Japan
Europe/Vienna timezone
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1 MeV triton confinement study on KSTAR

4 Sept 2019, 13:30
Shizuoka City, Japan

Shizuoka City, Japan

Poster Transport of Energetic Particles Poster


Jungmin Jo (Seoul National University)


The behavior of 1 MeV triton in KSTAR deuterium plasma is studied using triton burnup neutron (TBN) diagnostics and classical burnup calculation code. In KSTAR, TBN is measured by neutron activation system (NAS) and scintillation detectors. Shot-integrated TBN yield is evaluated by NAS with silicon sample. Two kinds of scintillation detectors, stilbene and scintillating-fiber detectors, provide TBN emission rate. Measured TBN emission is analyzed using classical burnup calculation code. The code evaluates expected TBN emission by considering prompt loss rate and Coulomb drag in certain plasma condition. The amount of prompt loss is statistically evaluated using full orbit following code LORBIT. In addition to prompt loss and Coulomb drag, finite confinement time effect can be considered by volume averaged effective diffusion coefficient. Measured and calculated TBN emission are compared in two timing of Alfvén eigenmodes control experiment, with and without Alfvénic activity. Without Alfvénic activity, calculated TBN generally matched with measured value within experimental error. During the Alfvénic activity however, measured value is about half of the calculated value. The amount of confinement degradation due to Alfvénic activity is estimated in terms of volume averaged effective diffusion coefficient.

Country or International Organization Korea, Republic of

Primary author

Jungmin Jo (Seoul National University)


MunSeong Cheon (National Fusion Research Institute) Junghee Kim (National Fusion Research Institute) Jisung Kang (National Fusion Research Institute) Tongnyeol Rhee (NFRI, Daejeon, South Korea) Prof. Mitsutaka Isobe (National Institute for Fusion Science) Kunihiro Ogawa (National Institute for Fusion Science) Dr Takeo Nishitani (National Institute for Fusion Science) Mr Tatsuki Amitani (National Institute of Technology, Toyama College) Eiji Takada (National Institute of Technology, Toyama College) Prof. Kyoung-Jae Chung (Seoul National University) Yong-Seok Hwang (Seoul National University)

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