ITER CODAC system from a software perspective is mainly composed of two software suites for the different purposes; firstly CODAC Core System (CCS) for plant system development and operation, and secondly CODAC Operation Application System (OP App) for orchestrating ITER operation and experiment executions. In aligned with the ITER project milestone, ITER CODAC team has lately more endeavored on the development of Operation Application System (OP App) and released a set of tools especially for plant system commissioning while covering functions of supervision & automation (SUP & AUTO), plant configuration (PSPS), real-time control framework (RTF) for PCS, data handling using Unified Data Access (UDA), remote participation (ORG & ODG), which were tested and evaluated at an operating tokamak, KSTAR following a whole sequence from pulse preparation to data service. This paper will describe the first delivery of ITER Operation Application System for plant system integration and commissioning and evaluation results as well as a future planning for plasma operation.
Keywords: ITER, CODAC, Operation, Tokamak