The paper contents one of the approach to spent fuel (SF) recycling with multi-recycling entire amount of the U and Pu after the reprocessing. The description of the main concepts of U-Pu fuel which developing in Russia is given. The status and future plans for REMIX-concept program development is described in the paper.
A new design for the PWR fuel assembly has been proposed, in a previous work, for direct use of the PWR spent fuel without chemical or dry processing has been proposed. The proposed designed assembly consists of four zircaloy-4 tubes. Each tube contains 7 or 8 CANDU fuel bundles stacked end to end. The zircaloy-4 tube has the same inner diameter of CANDU pressure tube. The PWR spent fuel...
U and Pu in spent nuclear fuel are obtained as separate and pure streams by the standard reprocessing method, Purex solvent extraction. Economical and technological conditions and safeguard concerns have not allowed the standard Purex (and recycling) to be an integral part of the nuclear fuel cycle. Easier and cheaper methods to recover U and Pu in spent fuel are worth taking into account....
Management of severely damaged spent fuel and corium plays an important role in the nuclear safety issues for the nuclear power plants. The calculation of burned fuel inventory is required for determining the composition, activity of core melt and in the estimation of the radiological source term in the environment. Isotopic inventory of the burned fuel at the time of the accident of Fukushima...
Several countries reuse MOX fuel (reactor-grade (RG) and weapons-grade (WG) Pu) in the thermal reactors, but within no more than 30% of the total core loading. Many years of operational experience with MOX-fuelled cores along with well-developed technologies in the management of MOX fuel demonstrate possibilities in extending MOX fuel share in commercial nuclear power plants. Therefore, this...
Recycling spent nuclear fuel – to recover plutonium from waste to reuse in fresh fuel – is in sharp decline. A main reason is that fabricating fuel with plutonium presents three enormous challenges: safety, security, and cost. This paper summarizes the findings of NPPP’s recent book, "Plutonium for Energy?", the first comprehensive global study of using mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel in thermal...