Session 2.4: Spent Fuel and High Level Waste storage and subsequent transportability
- Michael Schwerdtfeger (Bundesamt für kerntechnische Entsorgungssicherheit)
- Svitlana Alyokhina (V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University)
During reactor operation, the mechanical properties of a nuclear fuel rod are radically altered. After discharge, alpha-decays and accumulated radiation damage or other processes associated to potential thermal variations occurring during interim storage, contribute to further ageing of the spent nuclear fuel (SNF). However, during all stages of the SNF management (han-dling, retrieval,...
Accumulation of spent nuclear fuel in PWR power reactor pools is facing saturation limit within 5 years in South Korea. Though the national policy will be discussed again through public hearing process, it seems very clear to imply dry storage technique for the first management step out of reactor pools like other countries. Spent nuclear fuel (SNF) integrity evaluation R&D work has been...
Two potential cladding degradation mechanisms have been the focus of regulatory authorities’ reviews when evaluating applications for storage and transportation of spent nuclear fuel under dry, inert atmosphere conditions: thermal creep and hydride re-orientation. A review of the thermal creep mechanisms in the low and high stress regions and their dependence on applied stress, as supported by...
The first German package design approval certificates for a dual purpose casks intended for loading with damaged spent nuclear fuel were issued recently. BAM as part of the competent authority system in Germany carried out comprehensive assessment procedures with respect to the mechanical and thermal design, the release of radioactive material and the quality assurance aspects of manufacturing...
Spent Fuel management in Spain is open cycle. Nowadays the Spanish NPP (7 PWR and 2 BWR) have constructed or designed ISFSIs (Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation), however a Centralized Storage Installation will be operating in the future. The first Spanish ISFSI was installed in Jose Cabrera NPP (14x14 PWR Fuel) due to the definitively cease of the NPP operation in 2006. At that time...
Spent fuels (SF) assemblies from Paks Nuclear Power Plant (Paks NPP, Hungary) are placed in Spent Fuel Interim Storage Facility (SFISF) since 1997. The SFISF is a modular vault dry storage (MVDS) type design accommodating SF after a minimum of a few years of cooling time in the reactor decay pool. The SFs are stored individually and separately in the vault modules (VM) in airtight sealed fuel...