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Spent Fuel Management in Pakistan NPPs, Wet Storage to Dry Storage

25 Jun 2019, 10:30
Poster Track 2: Spent Fuel and High Level Waste storage and subsequent transportability Track 2 Poster Session (1)


Azhar Jamil (Pakistan)


The Pakistan nuclear power generation capability is progressing rapidly. Currently five Nuclear Power Plants are in operation and two Nuclear Power Plants are under construction. Pakistan is committed towards safe, secure and sustainable management of spent fuel generated from its Nuclear Power Plants operation. The spent fuel so far generated is stored at reactor spent fuel pools under water. These spent fuel pools have limited storage capacities and are not designed to accommodate spent fuel generated from lifetime operation of Nuclear Power Plants in Pakistan. Consequently, Pakistan has decided to develop spent fuel dry storage facilities for storage of spent fuel for extended periods till ultimate decision regarding spent fuel management is taken. The paper discusses the experience of managing the spent fuel at reactor pools and development process of spent fuel dry storage facilities in Pakistan.

Country or International Organization Pakistan

Primary author

Azhar Jamil (Pakistan)

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