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Facing the Reality of Indefinite Storage: What does it mean?

27 Jun 2019, 17:30
Oral Track 7: Challenges in an integrated approach for the back-end system (including storage, transport, recycling and disposal) Session 7.2


Mr Brett Carlsen (Idaho National Laboratory)


The paper encourages not only acknowledging but pro-actively addressing the issues and opportunities resulting from the uncertainty relative to how and when sufficient repository capacity becomes available. It draws on the work of a former IAEA consultancy tasked with addressing very long-term storage of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) as well as current strategic planning and associated initiatives within the U.S. Department of Energy to address the uncertainty in spent fuel management. The paper advocates addressing this uncertainty by design rather than by default. Approaches are suggested for rethinking the basis of spent nuclear fuel storage equipment, facilities, regulatory framework, and communication strategies to acknowledge and proactively address uncertainty relative to the storage duration and the end state of spent nuclear fuel.

Country or International Organization United States of America

Primary authors

Mr Brett Carlsen (Idaho National Laboratory) Mr Josh Jarrell (Idaho National Laboratory) Mr Hartman William (US Department of Energy)

Presentation materials

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