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Update to the Long Term Storage of Advanced Gas Cooled Reactor (AGR) Fuel

25 Jun 2019, 09:30
Oral Track 2: Spent Fuel and High Level Waste storage and subsequent transportability Session 2.1


Mr Alex Ledger (SL)


The paper describes the strategy adopted by Sellafield Ltd for management of the remaining lifetime arisings of AGR fuel from EDFE reactors. AGR reprocessing operations have completed at Sellafield but fuel will continue to be received, dismantled and consolidated in line with current practice. Spent fuel will be wet stored in existing facilities for an interim period until a disposal facility becomes available, extending fuel storage time from the current 5 years (for buffer storage pending reprocessing) to 80 years. The main safety issues associated with this interim storage strategy are ensuring the long term integrity of the fuel to be stored and the structure of the storage facility. The paper summarises research on fuel corrosion resistance and the pond structure inspection reports. Storage for the interim period requires changes to the operations of facilities and examples of these changes are given.

Country or International Organization United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Do you wish to enter the YGE SFM19 Challenge? Yes

Primary authors

Mr John Rowley (Sellafield) Dr Antonia callaghan (Sellafield Ltd) Mr Alex Ledger (SL)

Presentation materials

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Peer reviewing
