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Managing spent nuclear fuel for Sudan future reactors

24 Jun 2019, 16:00
Poster Track 1: National Strategies for Spent Fuel Management Track 1 Poster Session


Dr Abdalla Hamed (Sudan University for Science & Technology)


For nuclear power to be a sustainable option for Sudan, depleted nuclear fuel management techniques must be implemented that meet strict safety and environmental protection standards, so one solution to these problems may be to use transmutation to convert the nuclides in spent nuclear fuel to ones with shorter half-lives. Both reactor and accelerator-based systems have been examined in the past for transmutation;and development of fast reactors that can also burn the minor actinides recycled from spent fuel through applied research with neutron of the National Center for Nuclear and Radiological Control. This study examines technical issues, institutional factors and strategic options for managing spent nuclear fuel, and draws on policy implications and those associated with different social priorities and values.

Country or International Organization Sudan

Primary author

Dr Abdalla Hamed (Sudan University for Science & Technology)

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