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26 Jun 2019, 17:50
Oral Track 6: Disposal Session 6.2


Mr Jacob Home (Nuclear Institute)


The question of disposing of radioactive waste after it has been generated is an ongoing issue for the nuclear industry. Currently one of the preferred solutions is to encase the waste in containment structures and bury it deep underground until the radioactivity has decayed to safe levels. In order to prevent future human intrusion, the repositories containing the waste much be clearly marked in a way that understandable for future society.
The paper covers the previous research efforts to develop a suitable warning system for informing future generations of the hazard posed by radioactive waste interred in a deep geological repository (DGR) or geological disposal facility (GDF) and discusses the merits a variety of approaches as well as the ethical considerations of building such a system.

Country or International Organization United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Do you wish to enter the YGE SFM19 Challenge? Yes

Primary author

Mr Jacob Home (Nuclear Institute)

Presentation materials

Peer reviewing
