Session 1: General Role of Technical and Scientific Support Organizations
1 GR1.1 Experiences of regulatory bodies receiving support from TSOs
1.2 Experiences of TSOs supporting regulatory bodies -
Session 2.1: Nuclear safety assessment
2.1 NSA• New-builds, small and medium sized or modular reactors
• Long term operation (ageing, life management, safety upgrades, design life extension)
• Decommissioning and dismantling
• Current challenges in nuclear safety related research and development (R&D), including severe accident related research
• The use of research for developing regulations
• Challenges met by embarking countries -
Session 2.2: Radiation safety
2.2 RS• Advanced techniques and associated challenges in medical and industrial applications
• Shielding design assessment in medical and industrial applications
• Quality management systems for radiation measurements, calibration and monitoring
• Environmental monitoring
• Current challenges in radiation safety related R&D -
Session 2.3: International cooperation among TSOs
2.3 IC• Developing codes and simulation tools
• Joint assessment
• The OECD/NEA’s Multinational Design Evaluation Programme
• Interaction between recipient country TSOs and vendor country TSOs
• Interaction through the Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organisation for Economic Co operation and Development (OECD/NEA) and IAEA safety and security networks -
Session 3: Role of Technical and Scientific Support Organizations in Emergency Preparedness and Response
3 EPR3.1 Challenges faced by the TSOs when providing support in preparedness for and response to nuclear and radiological emergencies
3.2 Challenges in the development of assessment tools for emergency preparedness and response (EPR) and lessons learned from their practical use while testing them, conducting exercises or using them in a real emergency
3.3 Demonstration of existing assessment tools
3.4 International cooperation and assistance in EPR -
Session 4: Other Challenges Faced by Technical and Scientific Support Organizations
4 OC4.1 Conflicts of interest
4.2 Civil society and public communication
4.3 Synergies between safety and security (including interaction between TSOs and NSSCs) -
Session 5: Key Components Needed to Develop and Maintain Technical Expertise
5 KC5.1 Education, training and tutoring
5.2 Knowledge management
5.2 Human resources -
Session 6: Initiatives to Develop and Maintain Technical and Scientific Capabilities
6 TSI6.1 Examples of implementation of a national strategic policy
6.2 IAEA peer review and advisory services such as Integrated Nuclear Infrastructure Review (INIR) and Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) missions
6.3 TSO Forum-developed TECDOC, case studies and self-assessment methodologies
6.4 School of leadership
6.5 Networking
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