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27–31 Aug 2018
IAEA, Vienna
Europe/Vienna timezone


Not scheduled
IAEA, Vienna

IAEA, Vienna

Poster Mutation breeding for adaptation to climate change in seed propagated crops


Suhua Wang (Institute of Crop Sciences, CAAS)


Zhonglyu No8 is a new variety derived from CN36 by using space mutation. CN 36 is a cultivar introduced from Thailand in 1996, and this cultivar is early maturing, has large seeds, but with narrow adaptability. After space mutation, the new variety appears to be early maturing too, with growth period about 70-80 days in Beijing. The plant erects well and somewhat lodging-resistant, with a height of about 60 cm. The branches on main stem vary from 2-4, and the number of pod vary from 20-30, sometimes could reach to 50 pods per plant. Most of pods mature within a focus period, making mechanized harvesting available. Mature pods are black with pod length about 10 cm and 10-11 seeds per pod. The seeds are bright green with 7.2 g for 100-seed-weight. The yield of the new variety is usually about 1650-1725 kg per hectare. It can be mono cultivated or intercropped with other crops, especially after the harvest of wheat in north part of China. From the observation in the field, Zhonglyu No.8 is moderately resistant to leaf spot, powdery mildew and rust, the new variety has higher tolerance to drought, lodging and barren soil than other cultivars.
Country or International Organization Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Primary author

Suhua Wang (Institute of Crop Sciences, CAAS)


Dr xuzhen Cheng (Institute of Crop Sciences, CAAS)

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