4.1 Fuel Cycle Overview
- Christophe POINSSOT (French Nuclear and Alternative Energy Commission)
Christophe POINSSOT
(French Nuclear and Alternative Energy Commission)
26/06/2017, 15:10
Track 4. Fuel Cycle: Sustainability, Environmental Considerations and Waste Management Issues
In the framework of the successive 1991 and 2006 Waste Management Act, French government supported a very significant R&D program on partitioning and transmutation in fast reactors of minor actinides (MA). This program aimed to study potential solutions for still minimizing the quantity and the hazardousness of final waste, by MA recycling. Indeed, MA recycling can reduce the heat load and the...
Jiri Krepel
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
26/06/2017, 15:30
Track 4. Fuel Cycle: Sustainability, Environmental Considerations and Waste Management Issues
Breeding as well as burning capabilities of a reactor operated in the U-Pu or Th-U closed fuel cycle can be estimated from its equilibrium cycle parameters. In this study the equilibrium parameters were simulated for 8 selected fast reactors and both U-Pu and Th-U closed fuel cycles. For simplicity, the fission products were neglected and the reactors were represented only by infinite lattice....
Andrei Shadrin
(Bochvar Institute)
26/06/2017, 15:50
Track 4. Fuel Cycle: Sustainability, Environmental Considerations and Waste Management Issues
Mixed U-Pu used fuel of fast reactors has a high Pu content, high burn-up (50 GW/days*ton and more), and short cooling time (no more than 3 years) as compared with the thermal reactors used fuel. Combined (pyro + hydro) and hydrometalurgy reprocessing technologies are developed in Russian Federation for the close nuclear fuel cycle. These technologies provide reprocessing of used fuel with 1-3...
Stéphanie Cornet
(Nuclear Energy Agency)
26/06/2017, 16:10
Track 4. Fuel Cycle: Sustainability, Environmental Considerations and Waste Management Issues
Activities related to the fast reactors systems at the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) mainly focus on scientific research and technology development needs and are carried out within the Nuclear Science Division. In particular, projects related to the advanced nuclear systems and fuel cycles are carried out through the Working Party of Scientific Issues of the Fuel Cycle (WPFC) and its five...
Christophe POINSSOT
(French Nuclear and Alternative Energy Commission)
26/06/2017, 16:30
Track 4. Fuel Cycle: Sustainability, Environmental Considerations and Waste Management Issues
Environmental issues are nowadays a growing concern within most of the public opinion. It is therefore mandatory to propose relevant and qualified assessment of the overall environmental footprint of the different types of energy sources which are envisaged to be implemented. This question is specifically important for nuclear energy which suffers from a poor image in the public opinion due to...
26/06/2017, 16:50
Track 4. Fuel Cycle: Sustainability, Environmental Considerations and Waste Management Issues
The Indian fast reactor program, which began with the construction of the mixed carbide fuelled Fast Breeder Test Reactor (FBTR) at Kalpakkam, has reached a level of maturity with three decades of operating experience and is stepping into the realm of commercial operations with the construction of Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR). The necessary technology for closing the fuel cycle, which...