2.1 Commissioning and Operating Experience of Fast Reactors I
- Suresh Kumar Kannankara Vasudevan (IGCAR, Dept. of Atomic Energy, India)
- Alexander FILIN
Yuriy Nosov
(Beloyarsk NPP)
6/26/17, 1:00 PM
Track 2. Fast Reactor Operation and Decommissioning
The fast-neutron nuclear power industry development began with the BR-5/10 experimental reactors (1959) followed by BOR-60 (1969).
The power reactor evolution started with the BN350 commissioning in 1973. In 1980 the BN600 operating up to now was put into operation. In 2015 the BN800 obtained the first criticality.
BN600 fast reactor power unit No. 3 of 600 MW power has been put into...
Francois Baque
6/26/17, 1:20 PM
Track 2. Fast Reactor Operation and Decommissioning
In Service Inspection (ISI) of sodium cooled fast reactor prototype ASTRID implies a large R&D effort for associated tools: among others, a specific articulated carrier is being designed to allow exceptional ultrasonic controls of under-sodium core support structure (strongback) at about 200°C.
This carrier has to reach deep in the main sodium vessel and yet adapt to the many different weld...
Kosuke Aizawa
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
6/26/17, 1:40 PM
Track 2. Fast Reactor Operation and Decommissioning
Inspection technique in opaque liquid metal coolant is one of important issue for sodium-cooled fast reactor. To facilitate operations and maintenance activities, various under sodium viewers (USV) has been developed in several research institutes and countries. For example, a horizontal USV, which detects obstacles on the long distance and an imaging USVs, which make images from a short...
Igor Petrov
(JSC “Afrikantov OKBM”)
6/26/17, 2:00 PM
Track 2. Fast Reactor Operation and Decommissioning
The construction of Power Unit No. 4 with the BN-800 reactor plant at the Beloyarsk NPP is the crucial stage in the industrial-scale development of the sodium-cooled fast neutron reactors(SFR).
The activities on the development of the BN-800 reactor plant commenced in1980.
During the period from 1993 to 2005 and later on until the equipment deliveries started, the activities were being in...
(Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam)
6/26/17, 2:20 PM
Track 2. Fast Reactor Operation and Decommissioning
Small and large rotatable plugs (SRP & LRP) are provided to facilitate in-vessel handling of core subassemblies using transfe arm. These plugs are rotated during refuelling of the reactor. The control & instrumentation signals and power to various systems / components located on the rotatable plugs are carried by cables and are connectied to their respective control panels located outside....
Suresh Kumar K V
(Department of Atomic Energy, India, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Reaserch, Kalpakkam, Reactor facilities Group)
6/26/17, 2:40 PM
Track 2. Fast Reactor Operation and Decommissioning
Fast Breeder Test Reactor (FBTR) has completed 30 years of operation and is relicensed for further operation up to 2018. FBTR has undertaken major upgradation of systems, components and structures to enhance the safety level, based on the operational feedback, maintenance difficulties and obsolescence. Further, post Fukushima, an extensive retrofitting programme is underway to protect the...