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Development of Safety, Irradiation, and Reliability Databases based on Past U.S. SFR Testing and Operational Experiences

Jun 28, 2017, 5:50 PM
1h 10m


POSTER Track 8. Professional Development and Knowledge Management Poster Session 2


Mr Tanju Sofu (Argonne National Laboratory)


Inherent and passive safety is a key aspect to achieve licensing assurance and reduce plant costs, but it requires demonstration and validation of key features. To address this need, DOE-NE's Advanced Reactor Technologies (ART) program supported development of EBR-II, FFTF, and TREAT safety testing databases, metal fuel irradiation database, EBR-II physics analysis database and materials information system, and SFR component reliability database. These activities complement broader knowledge preservation and management efforts to facilitate the science-based R&D goals of the DOE-NE by providing data needed for validation of the state-of-the-art codes and advanced methods [such as those pursued under the Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling & Simulation (NEAMS) program] for design and analysis of advanced fast reactors. This paper summarizes the progress made during the fiscal year 2016 to achieve these goals.

Country/Int. Organization

U.S.A./Argonne National Laboratory

Primary author

Mr Tanju Sofu (Argonne National Laboratory)

Presentation materials