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Status of Generation-IV Lead Fast Reactor Activities

27 Jun 2017, 15:30
Room 1 (Yekaterinburg)

Room 1


ORAL Track 1. Innovative Fast Reactor Designs 1.5 LFR DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT


Dr Alessandro Alemberti (Ansaldo Nucleare SpA)


Since 2012 the Lead Fast Reactor provisional System Steering committee (LFR-pSSC) of Generation IV International Forum (GIF) has developed a number of top level activities with the aim to assist and support member countries developments of Lead Fast Reactor technology. The current full members (MoU signatories) of the GIF-LFR-pSSC are: EURATOM, JAPAN, the RUSSIAN FEDERATION and the REPUBLIC OF KOREA. The pSSC benefits also from the active participation of its observers: the UNITED STATES and the PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA. The paper highlights some of the main achievements of LFR-pSSC starting from the development of LFR System Research Plan, LFR white paper on safety and LFR Safety Assessment as well as Safety Design Criteria development. After the presentation of LFR-pSSC top level activities the status of the development of LFR in GIF countries is presented. The collaboration among partners of GIF-LFR-pSSC has proved its effectiveness to help the development of LFR through an open and friendly environment, developing important synergies and exchange of both technical and strategic information.

Country/Int. Organization


Primary author

Dr Alessandro Alemberti (Ansaldo Nucleare SpA)


Dr Andrei Moiseev (NIKIET) Prof. Craig Smith (NPS) Prof. Il Soon Hwang (SNU) Dr Kamil Tucek (European Commission, Joint Research Centre) Dr Lev Tocheny (NIKIET) Mr Tao Zhou (Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology (INEST), Chinese Academy of Sciences) Prof. Toru Obara (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Mr Yican Wu (Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology (INEST),Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Presentation materials