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Development and Deployment of Knowledge Management Portal for Fast Breeder Reactors

Jun 27, 2017, 1:30 PM
Room 4 (Yekaterinburg)

Room 4


ORAL Track 8. Professional Development and Knowledge Management 8.1 Professional Development and Knowledge Management - I


Mr Venkatesan Arasappan (Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research)


Knowledge Management is the process of creating value from an organization’s tangible and intangible assets and regarded as a significant contributing tool to enhance the performance of organization. Knowledge accumulated over decades of nuclear research, development & operation (organizational memory) have to be preserved and used for the future design, innovations and continued safe operation of nuclear plants. IGCAR's IT-enabled nuclear knowledge management system is designed as a generic, customizable framework and developed in-house fully using open-source platform and APIs. This paper describes the development and implementation of web-enabled, taxonomy based, advanced knowledge management system for effective management and utilization of the Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor(PFBR) records available in the form of Control Notes, Design Notes, Operation Notes, Experiments Notes, Specifications, Project Reports, Commissioning Documents, Test Procedures & Reports, Manuals, Drawings etc. The portal deployed acts as a gateway to FR Knowledge repository and enables collection, retrieval, preservation and presentation of knowledge assets in different forms. It also highlights the capabilities with which the system has been designed like controlled-vocabulary based organization of documents, multi-format document upload facility with meta-data, enhanced authentication and multi-level access control, advanced search and retrieval mechanism, online viewing and print requests management, dynamic reports generation facility.

Country/Int. Organization

Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam, India

Primary author

Mr Jehadeesan Ramalingam (Computer Division, IGCAR)


Presentation materials