Ryodai Nakai
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
The Generation-IV International Forum (GIF) Safety Design Criteria Task Force (SDC TF) has been developing a set of safety design guidelines (SDG) to support practical application of SDC since completion of the “SDC Phase I Report” that clarifies safety design requirements for Generation IV SFR systems. The main objective of the SDG development is to assist SFR developers and vendors to utilize the SDC in their design process for improving the safety in specific topical areas including the use of inherent/passive safety features and the design measures for prevention and mitigation of severe accidents. The first report on “Safety Approach SDGs” aims to provide guidance on safety approaches covering specific safety issues on fast reactor core reactivity and on loss of heat removal. The second report on “SDGs on key Structures, Systems and Components (SSCs)” focuses on the functional requirements for SSCs important to safety; reactor core system, reactor coolant system, and containment system.
Country/Int. Organization
Primary author
Ryodai Nakai
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)