David Wootan
(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
The Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF) is the most recent liquid-metal reactor (LMR) to operate in the United States, having operated from 1982 to 1992 and played a key role in LMFBR development and testing activities. In addition to irradiation testing capabilities, FFTF provided long-term testing and evaluation of plant components and systems for LMFBRs. The FFTF was highly successful and demonstrated outstanding performance during its nearly 10 years of operation. The technology employed in designing and constructing this reactor, as well as information obtained from tests conducted during its operation, can significantly influence the development of new advanced reactor designs in the areas of plant system and component design, component fabrication, fuel design and performance, prototype testing, site construction, and reactor operations. Efforts have been made to preserve important lessons learned during the nearly 10 years of reactor operation, and a brief summary of these Lessons Learned will be discussed.
Country/Int. Organization
Primary author
David Wootan
(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
Christopher Grandy
(Argonne National Laboratory)
Ronald Omberg
(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)