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Comparative analysis of nuclear energy lexicon

28 Jun 2017, 17:50
1h 10m


POSTER Track 8. Professional Development and Knowledge Management Poster Session 2


Prof. Nikolay Maksimov (National research nuclear university (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))


The results of the analysis of terminological subsets of the characteristic lexicon, that is used for semantic identification of scientific and technical information in the field of fast neutron reactors is discussed. Describes the procedure of automatic formation of ordered dictionaries reference lexicon based on the full text processing of documents – scientific reports, dissertations, articles, technical documentation. The methods of linguo-statistical analysis of full texts stand out characteristic terms are represented by word expressions. Preliminary analysis showed that the vocabulary of documents, generated and used at different stages of the nuclear knowledge life cycle, differently correlated with the INIS thesaurus lexicon. Largest intersection (over 50%) has a vocabulary of documents relating to the research and educational activities. Minimum intersection (less than 10%) - the terminology of the operational documentation.

Country/Int. Organization

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (NRNU MEPhI)

Primary author

Prof. Nikolay Maksimov (National research nuclear university (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))


Mr Andrey Pryakhin (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI) Prof. Georgy Tikhomirov (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (NRNU MEPhI)) Dr Olga Golitsyna (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (NRNU MEPhI)) Mr Vyacheslav Kupriyanov (NRNU MEPHI)

Presentation materials