Iulian Golovchenko
(Russian Federation)
To guarantee an inherent safety in advanced BN-reactors the breeding ratio of its active core (BRC) must have the meaning of BRC ≥ 1,0. It could be reached in heterogeneous oxide-metal cores of various types in use of metal uranium as the fertile components in the proportion of MOX:U ≈ 2:1.
We obtained the experience of manufacturing the fertile columns of various types from the metal uranium, the experience of manufacturing and irradiation in fast reactors BOR-60 and BN-350 of full-size elements (FE) and fuel assemblies (FA) that have such columns (4010 elements in part of 108 fuel assemblies).
Besides the obtaining of the inherent safety in advanced BN-reactors with the heterogeneous oxide-metal cores of various types (by FA-heterogenization of the core, IFAH – by intra FA-heterogenization, IFEH – by intra fuel elements heterogenization) we could achieve considerable additional economic and ecological preferences. Among them there are the increase of the admissible average burnup of MOX-fuel by ≈20%, the decrease of the mass of manufactured and consumable Pu-containing MOX-fuel by ≈30%, the decrease of consumable Pu-containing FE or Pu-containing FA by ≈30%, etc.
Country/Int. Organization
Russian Federation, Joint Stock Company
“State Scientific Center – Research Institute of Atomic Reactors"
Primary author
Iulian Golovchenko
(Russian Federation)