Christopher Grandy
(Argonne National Laboratory)
The FASTER test reactor was designed as part of the U.S. Advanced Demonstration and Test Reactor Options (ADTR) Study in 2015/2016. The ADTR study provided an assessment of advanced reactor technology options and is intended to provide a sound comparative technical context for future decisions concerning these technologies. Point designs for a select number of concepts were commissioned.
One of the two test reactor point designs was a sodium-cooled fast test reactor called FASTER. FASTER is a sodium-cooled, metal alloy fueled fast reactor with a core thermal power rating of 300MW. The FASTER plant was designed with extended testing capabilities in mind while trying to keep the reactor plant as simple as possible. The main function of the FASTER plant is to provide high neutron flux irradiation capability for both fast neutron spectrum and thermal neutron spectrum applications.
The FASTER reactor plant incorporates an innovative core arrangement that also provides for irradiation testing in closed loops with different working fluids. This paper will describe the design characteristics of the FASTER plant and provide background information on the ADTR study and its objectives.
Country/Int. Organization
United States of America
Primary author
Christopher Grandy
(Argonne National Laboratory)