Dmitriy Tolstoukhov
(ITCP «PRORYV», Russian Federation)
In the report said about reducing the share of nuclear power generation in the world. In conditions inter-fuel competition highest growth rates show renewables. The key to advancing the development of nuclear energy is to ensure the competitiveness of NPPs whith solving systemic problems. Modern NPPs with LWR in an open NFC, practically exhausted the potential of improving the competitiveness.
In the report considered the comparative competitiveness of NPPs and power plants whith fossil fuel, renewable energy sources. All calculations are made for different countries by monitoring data of technical and economic. Singly considered the comparison conditions for the Russian Federation. Considered criteria of competitiveness for NPPs, allowing to ensure the effective development of nuclear power, taking into account of improving the technical and economic performance of alternative generation. Fixed the requirements for the technical and economic parameters of NPP FRs and closed NFC. The data on the assessment of the achievement the required indicators for NPPs with FRs and closed NFC on the basis of actual work within the PRORYV project. Considering the model of PRORYV project management, identify areas to improve efficiency of the risk-management during creating innovative facilities.
Country/Int. Organization
Russian Federation
Primary author
Dmitriy Tolstoukhov
(ITCP «PRORYV», Russian Federation)