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Design and Fabrication of Closed Loop Systems (CLS) for the Fast Flux Test Facility (FFTF)

Jun 28, 2017, 5:50 PM
1h 10m


POSTER Track 8. Professional Development and Knowledge Management Poster Session 2


Mr David Wootan (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)


The FFTF was designed to accommodate up to four CLS. Each CLS was an irradiation testing system capable of operating at 2.3 MWt with its own independently controlled coolant system. An irradiation test in a CLS was inserted into the core within a Closed Loop In-Reactor Assembly (CLIRA). An entire CLS consisted of a CLIRA, a primary and a secondary cooling loop, and a Dump Heat Exchanger (DHX) as the ultimate heat sink. Four CLS were designed and two were fabricated. All connections needed to install a CLS were likewise fabricated including the branch arm piping within the reactor vessel. The CLS were not installed prior to startup of the FFTF due to resources being shifted to achieving full power as soon as possible. This paper will describe the design and fabrication of the FFTF CLS as well as the lessons learned during design and fabrication.

Country/Int. Organization


Primary author

Mr David Wootan (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)


Mr Al Farabee (Department of Energy) Mr Christopher Grandy (Argonne National Laboratory) Dr Ronald Omberg (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)

Presentation materials