Thursday morning - Poster Presentations - Screen1
- Oleg Belyakov (IAEA)
Ayron Rule
(SAAPMB: Department of Health: Eastern Cape)
6/22/17, 10:30 AM
The introduction of Multileaf collimator (MLC) systems into clinical Linear Accelerators (Linacs) facilitated computer-control and verification of complex treatment, and resulted in an increase in patient set up speed. A MLC system thus requires a re-evaluation of the quality assurance requirements for beam collimation. To this end a combined procedure was developed and...
Fatemeh Ebrahimi
6/22/17, 10:35 AM
Introduction of the Study:
Intrafraction organ motion is a major concern for lung stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR) during the delivery of treatment. It may cause substantial differences between actually delivered dose distribution and the planned one, due to the effect of tumor movement and multileaf collimator leaf motion. Motion management techniques allows to decrease the...
(Ghana Atomic Energy Commission)
6/22/17, 10:40 AM
Ghana has three functional radiotherapy centres serving a population of approximately 28 million. At present more than 7,000 new and follow-up patients suffering from a variety of cancerous and other degenerative diseases report to the three radiotherapy centres annually. Studies indicate that quality audits in radiotherapy helps to improve the quality of patient care and safety. In many...
Michel Van Dycke
(Clinique Saint Jean, Brussels)
6/22/17, 10:45 AM
Introduction :
Two important steps are dedicated to the modeling of calculation algorithms like AAA and Acuros:
• Measurement of the different data (pdd’s, profiles, output factors…) required by the algorithm then modeling from these data.
• Commissioning of the algorithm in accordance with different protocols like TRS-430, NCS-15, IPEM Report 94….
The purpose of this work is to...
(CHU Habib Bourguiba. Sfax. Tunisie),
(CHU Habib Bourguiba. Sfax. Tunisie)
6/22/17, 10:50 AM
Risk management is an important issue in the activity of a radiation oncology department. CREX (in French: comité de retour d’expérience) were inspired from the French experience in civil aviation to ensure quality and security of treatment delivery.
We aimed to report our experience in the feedback committee.
In the department of radiation oncology (Habib...
Anthony Cordero Ramirez
6/22/17, 10:55 AM
The optical properties of the Radiochromic film, expressed for its optical density (OD), change as the absorbed energy varies. The film to use should be defined in terms of its capability of modification in OD for different dose adsorbed levels, besides of the spatial response and linearity. For this study, we use the GafChormic XR-RV2 film, in a dose range from 0 Gy to 10 Gy,...