Wednesday afternoon - Poster Presentations - Screen4
- Oleg Belyakov (IAEA)
Narongchai Autsavapromporn
(Chiang Mai University)
6/21/17, 3:30 PM
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and most aggressive human brain tumor. Because most of GBM patients die of their disease and the median overall survival is approximately 1 year. In addition, GBM is difficult to treat since the tumors contain many different types of cell. To this end, the treatment plans for GBM may combine several approaches. Generally, GBM...
Fatemeh Akbari
(Department of medical physics, Reza Radiation Oncology Center, Mashhad, Iran)
6/21/17, 3:35 PM
Leakage radiation evaluation, as a part of acceptance tests during linac commissioning, is of paramount importance regarding patient and staff radiation protection. In this study, leakage tests were performed for a newly installed linac according to IEC 6061.
I) Photon beam
a) Photons leakage from head and beam transport system:
In order to measure the...
Bhaskar Mukherjee
6/21/17, 3:40 PM
Validation of therapeutic proton field bases on daily quality assurance (QA) procedure is imperative to routine proton therapy. The ratio of delivered and measured proton dose at the reference point under “standard condition” is defined as primary QA criterion. The standard condition (R20M10) is characterized as follows: (a) proton beam energy corresponding to a range (R)...
(Hacettepe University-Numune Research and Training Hospital)
6/21/17, 3:45 PM
During extrinsic uniformity test, to show FWHM limit excess can be observed due to using hot Co- 57 source and this excess doesn’t affect clinical imaging.
Materials and Methods:
One of the most important parameters that determine the performance of the gamma camera system is the deterioration of the detector homogeneity. The test is used to evaluate the collimator homogeneity...
Oliver Szasz
(St. Istvan University, Biotechnics Department)
6/21/17, 3:50 PM
Radiation therapy in oncology is in most of the cases local. The malignancy (counting the circulation cancer cells and the micro- and macro-metastases) is systemic, causing controversy with the local actions in curative basis. The abscopal effect of low intensity ionizing radiation is well-known. Our objective is to show the abscopal effect with local non-ionizing radiation,...