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24–28 Apr 2017
IAEA Headquarters
Europe/Vienna timezone

Enhancing Nuclear Security System of Irradiation Facility SIBO INRA/Tangier Morocco

27 Apr 2017, 10:00
IAEA Board Room B/M1

IAEA Board Room B/M1



Mr Mohammed MOUHIB (INRA Tanger, Morocco)


Abstract Around the world, radioactive sources have been widely used for decades to benefit humankind—to diagnose and treat illnesses, monitor oil wells and water aquifers, irradiate food to eliminate microbes, and for many other uses. However, the malicious use of radiological sources poses a significant threat globally. As Irradiation facility for research the goal of this paper is to show a case study of application of nuclear security and nuclear security culture code of contact in irradiation facility using cobalt 60. And will show the necessary work done to achieve the goal of protection of radioactive material and continue working in safe conditions. This objective couldn’t be achieved without the collaboration of all department involved in security and nuclear safety. In all irradiation facility in the world the level of this control is always done to achieve safety procedures in usual work on this field. In this work we applied the nuclear security and nuclear security culture procedures in order to define the type of system used to achieve the global objective in accordance with Global Threat Reduction Program to reduce the threat of a Radiological Dispersion Device (RDD) in collaboration with The United States Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA). This work has been done with other operation in the same facility as local upgrading of cobalt 60 in our irradiator In Tangier and upgrading of safety and technical system of the irradiator made in collaboration with IAEA , detail of this works are presented in others scientific papers. The objective of this paper is to share a local experience in upgrading security with return of experience in practice and very good collaboration with General direction of national security and all departments involved in security and nuclear safety
Country/Organization invited to participate Morocco

Primary author

Mr Mohammed MOUHIB (INRA Tanger, Morocco)


Ms Amina Guessous (Faculté des sciences IBN tofail, Morocco) Mr Mouad Chentouf (INRA Tanger, Morocco)

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