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24–28 Apr 2017
IAEA Headquarters
Europe/Vienna timezone

ESR Dosimetric Properties of Sodium Glutamate

26 Apr 2017, 14:15


Mr Seif Ebraheem Eid (National center for Radiation Research and Technology, Egypt)


MONO SODIUM GLUTAMATE powder and rods (3x 10 mm) were studied to be a radiation sensitive material for ESR dosimetry. Samples were irradiated with 60Co γ- rays. The developed signal after irradiation increases with the increase of the mono sodium glutamate in the rods. The prepared powder can be used in the dose range from (10-90) kGy, whereas the rods are useful in the range from (10-120) kGy. The obtained number of free radicals per 100ev (G value) was found to be 0.201± 0.01. The g factor is 2.0113± 0.0001. The rods have the advantage of negligible humidity effects during irradiation. The pre and post irradiation stability was found to be satisfactory. Keywords: Mono sodium glutamate, Electron paramagnetic resonance, Radiation dosimetry.
Country/Organization invited to participate Egypt

Primary author

Mr Seif Ebraheem Eid (National center for Radiation Research and Technology, Egypt)

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