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24–28 Apr 2017
IAEA Headquarters
Europe/Vienna timezone

Review of the two New Rhodotron Accelerators: The Compact 10 MeV TT50 and the High Energy 40 MeV Rhodotron

26 Apr 2017, 09:00
IAEA Board Room B/M1

IAEA Board Room B/M1



Mr Philippe Dethier (IBA, Belguim)


Emerging applications drive development of new innovative accelerators. IBA is currently developing two new accelerators. The first new accelerator is a compact Electron beam accelerator called the TT50 allowing to produce beam up to 10 MeV. This accelerators is perfectly suited for industries sensitive to cost such as cargo screening, medical device sterilization or applications requiring mobile systems. The second new product under development is a high energy Rhodotron able to reach 40 MeV and 125 kW of beam power. These specifications makes Mo-99 production using particle accelerators very competitive. Development status, innovations and target performances will be reviewed.
Country/Organization invited to participate Belgium

Primary author

Mr Philippe Dethier (IBA, Belguim)


Mr Jérémy Brison (IBA, Belguim)

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