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24–28 Apr 2017
IAEA Headquarters
Europe/Vienna timezone

Radiation Sciences and Applications Program in Arab countries

24 Apr 2017, 15:35
Conference Room M2

Conference Room M2



Mr Abdelmajid MAHJOUB (Tunisia)


The AAEA works since 1989 to enhance the socio-economical development in Arab countries by promoting the peaceful applications of atomic energy in many aspects of life. The AAEA is implementing “The Arab Strategy for Peaceful use of Atomic Energy up to 2020”, which focusses on: the introduction of nuclear science in educational institutions; the use of nuclear technologies to improve plant and animal production; food and radiation processing methods; the use of nuclear technology in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases; the use of nuclear techniques in water resources management; the integration of the production of radioactive isotopes among Arab countries; the use of EB accelerators in irradiation operations and processing materials; the use of ion accelerators in the field of analysis and properties improvement and strengthening and promoting of the Arab capabilities in the field of NDT. Under the framework of the above topics, AAEA has implemented many training courses, workshops, experts meetings, expert missions, scientific visits, conferences and seminars which will be detailed in the presentation. For the implementation of the activities, AAEA is using country infrastructure such as: research reactors (RRs) that can produce radioisotopes (Egypt–2, Algeria–2, Libya–1, Morocco–1, Syria–1, Jordan–1); ion accelerator (cyclotron) for the production of radioisotopes such as PET (Morocco, Algeria, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt); ion accelerator (VDG) for material researches and analysis (Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Algeria); electron accelerator (LINAC) for research and industrial applications (Tunis, Egypt, Syria, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, UAE, Kuwait); electron accelerator (LINAC) for nuclear medicine radiotherapy (all Arab countries) and $\gamma$-irradiators ($\gamma$-ray) for medical applications and others (all Arab countries).
Country/Organization invited to participate Tunisia

Primary author

Mr Abdelmajid MAHJOUB (Tunisia)


Mr Salaheddine Takriti (Arab Atomic Energy Agency)

Presentation materials

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