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24–28 Apr 2017
IAEA Headquarters
Europe/Vienna timezone

Education Training: INSTN Designated as an IAEA Collaborating Centre

24 Apr 2017, 14:35
Conference Room M2

Conference Room M2



Mr Paul LIVOLSI (CEA - INSTN, France)


The National Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology (INSTN) created in 1956 by the French Government has been designated as an IAEA Collaborating Centre in May 2016. This recognition allows the Agency to receive support from this Institute to implement its programs of which those from the Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications. The perimeter of this collaborating centre is "Education and Training in nuclear technologies industrial and radiopharmaceutical applications". The INSTN and the Agency have defined a work plan to host specific training courses, or to develop new training courses in connection with INSTN's areas of expertise. Thus at the end of June 2017, a three weeks training course on "Training and certification for industrial applications of radiation technologies: radiotracers Residence Time Distribution approach and sealed sources column scanning technique" will be organized in Saclay, near Paris. Through column scanning equipment dedicated to training, innovative training methods, practical room for manipulating radiotracer, theoretical contributions will be delivered by experts from the Agency and practical work will be carried out by participants consisting of both fellows of the Agency but also professionals from the host country. This training will benefit from the infrastructure and logistics of the INSTN for the safe use of radionuclides used for tracing. The INSTN as a part of the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), is under the joint supervision of three ministries: Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research, Ministry of the Economy, Industry and the Digital Sector, and Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy. The Institute has partnerships with various universities and higher education institutions in France and abroad but also with technical schools for academic degree from operator to PhD diploma, mostly in the nuclear domain. The Institute organises tailor-made professional training courses in France or abroad and support Continuing Professional Development so as to increase staff skills in a large spectrum of nuclear activities such as: nuclear engineering and applications, detection and measurements of radiations; radiation protection, chemistry and radiochemistry; Nuclear medicine, radiopharmacy, medical physics, radiotherapy and molecular imaging; new technologies for energy, economics of energies; micro and nanotechnologies. In the field of academic and vocational training, INSTN also signed another agreement with the IAEA in 2014 which helped to launch the project of Virtual Reactor Laboratory (Internet Reactor Laboratory) which will allow students from European universities a remote access, via the Internet, to the ISIS research reactor (nominal power of 700 kW). These students can monitor, through a video system (via Internet), the operation of the ISIS reactor by exchanging with a trainer-operator present in the control room of the installation of the CEA-Saclay. For 60 years, the INSTN is a key-player in France for Education & training in nuclear domains such as industry, research and medical. Being designated Collaborating Centre will strengthen connections that INSTN has with the IAEA.
Country/Organization invited to participate France

Primary author

Mr Paul LIVOLSI (CEA - INSTN, France)

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