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24–28 Apr 2017
IAEA Headquarters
Europe/Vienna timezone

Human Resource Development for the Application of Radioisotope Techniques to Industry in Myanmar

26 Apr 2017, 14:15


Ms Khin Ye Lwin (Department of Atomic Energy, Myanmar)


Competent and efficient manpower is one of the main sectors for the application of radiation science and technology. The Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) has been conducting E&T and R&D in nuclear application field, cooperating with local institutions and international societies. Two technological universities have been offering the academic programs for nuclear engineering (B.Tech, B.E, M.E and Ph.D) under the supervision of DAE. To have professional development, skill development and to have opportunities for career advancement and future job prospects, human resource development program in radioisotope techniques for the application to industry has being carried out through national TC project cooperating with IAEA since 2012. Radioisotope Techniques Laboratory was established under the Department of Atomic Energy to transfer technology and implement radioisotope techniques into a practice. Knowing the basic theory of gamma ray transmission, gamma column scanning and gamma computed tomography techniques were introduced to the students. The simulation of gamma column scanning is conducted by using model of distillation column made of iron. Two computed tomography system, GORBIT first generation CT system supported by IAEA and field-used BATAN CT system provide by BATAN, Indonesia, are used to practice the computed tomography technique. To conduct the experiment for radiotracer technique, in-house pipe line system and water flow-rig for simulation of chemical reactors provided by IAEA are used as compact and useful tools. Each of the tools has been adopted to the specific need of the country to achieve desired HRD results and to assist individuals in learning more effectively with the goal of improving performance. From the development of industry-driven education and training programs, students can develop designs and software adaptable for need in the application to local industries.
Country/Organization invited to participate Myanmar

Primary author

Ms Khin Ye Lwin (Department of Atomic Energy, Myanmar)


Ms Moe Phyu Hlaing (Department of Atomic Energy, Myanmar)

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