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24–28 Apr 2017
IAEA Headquarters
Europe/Vienna timezone

EPR Dosimetry Systems; Assessment and Developed in NCRRT

25 Apr 2017, 15:35
IAEA Board Room B/M1

IAEA Board Room B/M1



Mr Seif EBRAHEEM (National center for Radiation Research and Technology, Egypt)


During the last two decades, a team of NCRRT researchers developed and assisted many dosimetry systems depending on the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) analyzing method. EPR dosimetry is characterized by its non-destructive read-out and the possibility of dose archival. Recently, monosodium glutamate powder and prepared rods containing different concentration of it ($3\times 10$ mm) were studied to be a radiation sensitive dosimeter measured by ESR method of analysis. The dose range from $10$–$90$ kGy tested for powder, whereas, rods are useful in the dose range from $10$–$120$ kGy. NCRRT researchers studied different substances evaluated as; taurine, strontium carbonate, riboflavin, strontium carbonate, anhydrous strontium sulfate, 2-methylalanine, magnesium lactate, ammonium oxalate, and arginine mono-hydrochloride. The response of taurine to $\gamma$-radiation doses in the range from $0.1$ to $50$ kGy was investigated, as well as that in the range from $1.0$ to $20.0$ Gy using numerically enhanced EPR taurine spectra. The radiation-induced defects in strontium carbonate (SrCO$_3$) rod dosimeter in the dose range of $2.5$ Gy–$25$ kGy was investigated using EPR resonance technique. The un-irradiated riboflavin (RF) exhibits a very weak EPR signal ($g = 2.00950$) and upon $\gamma$-ray exposure the signal increases up to an absorbed dose of $50$ kGy. Anhydrous strontium sulfate (SrSO$_4$) has shown a promise candidate as a dosimeter for low dose applications producing unique EPR signals with $\gamma$-rays which it has a linear response relationship ($r_2 \approx 0.999$) in the range of $1$–$100$ Gy. The dosimetric characteristics of $\gamma$-radiation induced free radicals in 2-methylalanine (2MA) pellet dosimeter are investigated using EPR in the high-dose range of $1$–$100$ kGy. The EPR spectrum of irradiated magnesium lactate (ML) rods was characterized by a quartet signal with the spectroscopic splitting $g$-factor of $2.0048700003$ at $0.4$ mT. The useful dose range of the rod dosimeter was $100$ Gy to $80$ kGy. The dosimetric properties of the of ammonium oxalate (COONH$_4$)$_2$H$_2$O studied under low and high radiation doses. The EPR spectra of ammonium oxalate have the spectroscopic splitting $g$-factor of $2.00095$ for C$_2$O$_4^-$ radical detected as EPR signal. The dose-response curves have very good linearity in the range $10$–$1000$ Gy for low doses and show slight sub-linearity in high dose region up to $25$ kGy. Arginine mono-hydrochloride rods ($3$–$10$ mm) were irradiated with $^{60}$Co $\gamma$-rays to study radicals for dosimetric materials with EPR. The rods have significant signal which develops upon irradiation and the intensity of signal increases upon the increase in irradiation dose, in the dose range from $5$ to $120$ KGy. More and more articles ware published by the NCRRT researchers group dialing with this issue represents the unique analyzing method of using EPR in the field of dosimetry.
Country/Organization invited to participate Egypt

Primary author

Mr Seif EBRAHEEM (National center for Radiation Research and Technology, Egypt)

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