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24–28 Apr 2017
IAEA Headquarters
Europe/Vienna timezone

Development of Radiometric Methods for Optimization of Phoshate Transport Process by ''Slurry Pipe''

26 Apr 2017, 11:15
Conference Room M2

Conference Room M2



Ms Samira MIMOUNT (Centre National de l’Energie, des Sciences et des Techniques Nucléaires (CNESTEN), Morocco)


Moroccan reserves of phosphates are the largest ones in the world. They are estimated to more than 85 billion m3. The drainage of the phosphate rock from the mines site to the chemical sites, which is currently done by train, requires dry phosphate to lower the humidity in order to carry it cheaply. However the chemical processing of raw phosphates, to get the final products (phosphoric acid, fertilizers…) requires large amounts of water to be added back. For the transport of phosphate, It has been decided to build a pipeline between Khouribga mines to JorfLasfar chemical units, for convergence between cost reduction and rationalization of water and energy consumption. Determination of physical parameters, such as concentration, viscosity, flow rate, etc… of the material inside the pipe becomes a key issue for handling and maintaining the whole system. The current study aim to develop radiotracer methodologies and specific nucleonic control systems to obtain such information. The first phase of the study consists in carrying out of a series of field experiments, aimed flow measurement of pulp phosphates, transported by gravity, by using radiotracers (I-131) in various flow conditions.
Country/Organization invited to participate Morocco

Primary author

Ms Samira MIMOUNT (Centre National de l’Energie, des Sciences et des Techniques Nucléaires (CNESTEN), Morocco)


Mr Abdelaziz saadaoui (Centre National de l’Energie, des Sciences et des Techniques Nucléaires (CNESTEN), Morocco) Ms Khadija EL KORCHI (Centre National de l’Energie, des Sciences et des Techniques Nucléaires(CNESTEN), Morocco) Ms Oum Kaltoum HAKAM (University of Ibn Tofail-Kenitra, Morocco) Mr Rachad ALAMI (Centre National de l’Energie, des Sciences et des Techniques Nucléaires (CNESTEN), Morocco)

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