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24–28 Apr 2017
IAEA Headquarters
Europe/Vienna timezone

Simulation and Optimization of a Neutron Backscattering Analysis Set-Up Using MCNP5 Code

25 Apr 2017, 16:30
Conference Room M2

Conference Room M2



Mr Zahir IDIRI (Centre de Recherche Nucleaire d'Alger, 02 Bd Frantz Fanon, BP399, Alger-Gare, Algeria)


A neutron back scattering set-up for analysis of hydrogenous sample materials has been simulated using MCNP5 neutron and photon transport code. The set-up is mainly composed of an Am-Be neutron source of 37.2GBq and a He-3 neutron gas detector which are embedded in polyethylene bloc, the latter acting as a reflector. The modelisation used in the simulation was validated comparing thermal neutron flux calculated values with measured ones using indium activation foils and He-3 neutron detector. Then, calculations were carried out to determine optimal dimensions of the reflector and the sample holder with the constraint that the neutron and gamma doses must be at acceptable levels. We have also studied the response of the set-up for other reflector materials such as wax and Perspex. Finally, the analysis of organic samples was simulated and the calibration curves were determined for hydrogen and (C+O/H) ratio. The simulated calibration curves were then compared with those experimentally determined
Country/Organization invited to participate Algeria

Primary author

Mr Zahir IDIRI (Centre de Recherche Nucleaire d'Alger, 02 Bd Frantz Fanon, BP399, Alger-Gare, Algeria)


Mr Hakim Mazrou (Centre de Recherche Nucleaire d'Alger,02 Bd Frantz Fanon, BP399, Alger-Gare, Algeria) Ms Nabila Taibouni (Universite Houari Boumediene des Sciences et de la Technologie,Bab Ezzouar, Algeria) Ms Naima Belouadah (Université des Sciences et de la Technologie, Bab Ezzouar, Algeria)

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