All posters will be displayed for the entire duration of the conference.
As far as possible, authors are requested to be present at their posters during the coffee breaks as well as during the poster session for discussion with interested participants.
Terezia Melicherova
8/27/15, 2:00 PM
WiN Slovakia activities of the last two years are presented. We always try to join professional and social aspects of events to improve not only our knowledge but mutual relationship and cooperation.
List of activities:
1. The technical visit in the contaminated areas in Belarus.
2. The excursion to the chemical and radiation laboratories of Slovak Army and the biological and...
Precious Boshielo
(Nuclear Energy Corporation, South Africa)
8/27/15, 2:00 PM
Nuclear technology is a highly specialized field that requires a variety of professionals. Nuclear engineers, statisticians, physicists, information technology professionals, analysts, policy makers, scientists and other professionals. Because of the variety of backgrounds, many young female professionals need training and professional development opportunities to become well rounded in these...
Goedele Sibbens
(EC-JRC-IRMM, European Commission)
8/27/15, 2:00 PM
In the eighties it was not common for girls to study engineering. But a few young girls have always been fascinated by science and technical applications and dared to go for a gender untypical education. What are these female engineers doing today?
This paper describes the career development of a woman, who completed her Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering, found first a job in an...
Bridgeta Mudota
(Radiation Protection Authority, Zimbabwe)
8/27/15, 2:00 PM
Communication is paramount in all human activities and appears to be a very easy subject. But in actual fact it is a complicated process with a capacity to change perceptions from being negative to positive or vice versa. The issue of communication becomes even more challenging when it involves issues or topics which are generally perceived as complex in various societies. A case in point...
Eunok Han
(Korea Academy of Nuclear Safety, Republic of Korea)
8/27/15, 2:00 PM
The textbooks for elementary school students were developed to help future generations make value judgments based on appropriate information about nuclear energy and radiation. The themes and educational contents of the 13 lessons, to be delivered in one semester at elementary school level, were selected by the educational requirements of students, science teachers, and experts. The “Radiation...
Ana Lidia Carreño Padilla
(National Commission for Nuclear Safety and Safeguards, Mexico)
8/27/15, 2:00 PM
The present study describes and introduces in a simplified way the process for issuing a Mexican Official Standard of Nuclear series, setting out the departments and agencies involved in this process, and also describing the main challenges identified for preparation, issuance and review of them. Furthermore, topics that are currently in the process of standardization in Mexico in radiation...
Damalie Noel Ofumbi Abbo
(Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development, Uganda)
8/27/15, 2:00 PM
Following the shutdown of the CONSORT reactor, the “Approach to Critical” experiment which allowed students to observe and understand the procedure for taking the reactor to critical, balancing the system at low power and increasing the power over a range of powers levels and eventual reactor shutdown, would no longer be possible. It was therefore important to develop a simulation model of the...
Mitsuko Ukai
(Hokkaido University of Education, Japan)
8/27/15, 2:00 PM
After Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident Japanese have thought "Basic radiation knowledge for school education" is very important. Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan published supplemental learning textbooks on radiation for school students and teachers written in Japanese in October 2011 just after the accident. These textbooks show the clear...
Marina Szucsán
(Paks Npp Ltd., Hungary)
8/27/15, 2:00 PM
My poster presentation is about a process of communication with public during big social events like festivals, open days and sport’s competitions. The technic is: we make a WIN stand on the frequent place of events, invite visitors and kindly ask them to fill our questionnaire about nuclear industry in Hungary. The questionnaire contents 15 questions about Hungarian NPP (how many units we...
Danila Carrijo da Silva Dias
(Brazilian Commission for Nuclear Energy, Brazil)
8/27/15, 2:00 PM
Female professional contributions in nuclear science and technology are no longer a novelty. Names such as Marie Curie, Chen Shiung Wu and Rosalyn Yalow are evidence of the incessant, worldwide efforts of women to take part in fields largely reserved for men. Although society has witnessed high level female achievements as early as in the 1800s, female scientists and technicians still face a...
Vanessa Maree
(South Africa)
8/27/15, 2:00 PM
The South African National Nuclear Regulator (NNR) was established in 1999 to provide for the protection of persons, environment and properties from the harmful effects arising from ionizing radiation produced by radioactive materials.
It is the responsibility of the licensee to have in place the necessary safety measures and resources in order to protect the public, workers and the...
Lainy Dromgoole
(Texas A&M University, USA)
8/27/15, 2:00 PM
Texas A & M University Women in Nuclear (WIN-TAMU) seeks to provide professional development opportunities for its members while also reaching out to the public both on the university campus and the surrounding local community. The purpose of this poster is to share best practices and learning experiences promoting the career development and education of women in nuclear-related fields...
Jisoo Yoon
(KHNP, Republic of Korea)
8/27/15, 2:00 PM
Currently in Korea's Nuclear Power Plants (KHNP), the number of the female staffs has been increased as planned construction of new NPPs. However the role of the female staffs in NPPs is still limited as before. Because there is the prejudice which the operating and the maintenance work is unsuitable for female owing to the risk of the radiation exposure and the physical weakness. So female...
Suqing Jiang
(State Nuclear Power Software Development Center, China)
8/27/15, 2:00 PM
In this paper, we first review the progress and current status of international collaboration and technical exchange in the development of nuclear power plant (NPP) software by The State Nuclear Power Software Development Center (SNPSDC) in China. Then we discuss the importance of the international collaboration and exchange in the trend of globalization of NPP technology. We also identify the...
Frances Marshall
(International Atomic Energy Agency)
8/27/15, 2:00 PM
Career development of women in nuclear-related fields and communications
In 2007, the Idaho Women in Nuclear (IWIN) chapter was asked to host a junior high school group of girls for "Girls in Technology," a program to introduce eighth grade girls to science and technology career opportunities. The following year, the program was renamed “My Amazing Future,” and it has grown steadily from a very modest beginning, hosting only 35 girls and four workshops, to a much...
Sheriffah Noor Khmaseah Al-Idid Dato Syed Ahmad Idid
(Malaysia Nuclear Agency, Malaysia)
8/27/15, 2:00 PM
Skilled, competent and sufficient human resources is fundamental for the safe and successful implementation and expansion of a nuclear power programme (NPP) .
As nuclear education and training ( E&T) stakeholders deliberate and discuss to identify suitable syllabus and courses to offer for education and training to support NPP, it is critical that the nuclear fuel cycle as well as the...
Keiko Hanamitsu
(Webster University, Austria)
8/27/15, 2:00 PM
Knowledge is a strategic asset in every business. It should be actively managed by creating, acquiring, sharing, transferring and retaining among workers. Leaders and managers have to understand the significance of knowledge management (KM), recognize the risks of knowledge loss and gaps, and its impact on their working environment.
Nuclear industry appears to be behind other industries...
Thu Nandar Nyein
(Ministry of Science and Technology, Myanmar)
8/27/15, 2:00 PM
This poster reflects the current and future endeavor of Myanmar women in nuclear science and technology related fields. Though Myanmar has not yet planned for nuclear power program, but strongly interested in nuclear energy due to rising awareness of future energy demand. The DAE is central in conducting career development, (E&T) as well as (R&D) in nuclear application fields, cooperating...
Sheriffah Noor Khmaseah Al-Idid Dato Syed Ahmad Idid
(Malaysia Nuclear Agency, Malaysia)
8/27/15, 2:00 PM
Business should not be as usual in formulating strategies and plans to enhance awareness regarding the benefits of nuclear power as an option for energy mix.
Although, presently 435 nuclear power reactors in operation in 30 countries are delivering cost competitive electricity to consumers, creating significant job, investment and business opportunities , supporting enterprises , ...
Cristina Bucur
(Cernavoda NPP)
8/27/15, 2:00 PM
In Romania, 3 main NGOs act in promoting peaceful use of nuclear energy.
The organization with the longest road is the Romanian Association for Nuclear Energy (AREN), created by individual persons acting in nuclear field in 1990. In 2001, a number of Romanian and foreign legal entities having core competence or unfolding nuclear energy related industrial and research activities created the...
Katia Sergieva
(Queen Giovanna University Hospital, Bulgaria)
8/27/15, 2:00 PM
The purpose is to present the career development in medical physics in sense of motto of conference: Women in Nuclear Meet Atoms for Peace.
All of us have someone, who has treated for cancer at some moment in his life. Only one knows that between most visible healthcare staff in radiotherapy (clinicians, nurses and radiographers) have medical physicists. The main objective of duties of...
Funmilayo Aina
(Nigeria Atomic Energy Commission, Nigeria)
8/27/15, 2:00 PM
The involvement of women in the nuclear industry can not be over emphasized as the western world has gone beyond the barrier of gender imbalance. This barrier, I think should be abolished in developing countries so as to help encourage more women to contribute and help build a strong nuclear industry.
In Nigeria, the Nigeria Atomic Energy Commission executes a deliberate strategy to...
Petronella Sithole
(Radiation Protection Authority, Zimbabwe)
8/27/15, 2:00 PM
With the increase in the use of radiation technologies, each country now has a potential risk from nuclear related offenses or malicious use of radioactive material. Despite the major advancements women have made in becoming a significant part of the workforce in all the other fields, women in the field of Nuclear Security are underrepresented in Zimbabwe.
Nuclear security contributes to...
Callum Thomas
(Thomas Thor Associates)
8/27/15, 2:00 PM
Thomas Thor Associates is an Executive Recruitment company solely dedicated to the Nuclear industry. We have been involved with WiN UK in 2014-2015 to help them develop their own organisation, this research was part of our partnership.
The main purpose of this paper is to provide a clear picture of the techniques that are used by organisations similar to WiN, and business in other industries...
Julieta Sayan
(National Commission of Atomic Energy, Argentina)
8/27/15, 2:00 PM
Career development of women in nuclear-related fields and communications
Women of the Argentinian Nuclear Sector have shared WiN Global´s vision since its birth in 1992. Many have become active members and participated in its Annual Conferences, by presenting papers or country reports (Sweden, 1995 and Russia 1996, Taiwan 1998). Due to several drastic changes in the Sector, such as projects cancellations and reduction of personnel, occurred during the late 1990´s,...
Yuliya Balashevska
(SSE "Chornobyl Specialized Enterprise", Ukraine)
8/27/15, 2:00 PM
Today, 29 years after the Chernobyl accident, the Exclusion Zone still remains an areal unsealed radiation source of around 2600 km2. It is not just a gigantic radioactive waste storage facility (the amount of radioactive waste accumulated within the Zone, except for the Shelter, is estimated at about 2.8 million m3), but also a unique research and engineering platform for biologists,...
Margaret Mkhosi-Motsaathebe
(Women in Nuclear South Africa)
8/27/15, 2:00 PM
Career development of women in nuclear-related fields and communications
Expansion of nuclear technologies and plans for new plants in Africa makes this an exciting time for more women to be involved in the nuclear sector and there are lots of opportunities across the nuclear value chain for women to be involved. In recent decades, more and more women are are now entering the nuclear field and many people are starting to recognize opportunities for women, since...