All posters will be displayed for the entire duration of the conference.
As far as possible, authors are requested to be present at their posters during the coffee breaks as well as during the poster session for discussion with interested participants.
Tracey-Ann Warner
(International Centre for Environmental and Nuclear Sciences, University of the West Indies, Jamaica)
27/08/2015, 14:00
The Jamaican SLOWPOKE-2 (JM-1) is a 20 kW research reactor manufactured by Atomic Energy of Canada Limited and has been operating since March 1984, in the department of the International Centre for Environmental and Nuclear Sciences (ICENS), at the University of the West Indies, Mona Campus in Kingston, Jamaica. The pool type reactor has been primarily used for Neutron Activation Analysis in...
Irmgard Niemeyer
(ESARDA Vice President, Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Germany)
27/08/2015, 14:00
ESARDA, the European Safeguards Research and Development Association, is comprised of European organisations actively involved in the research and development (R&D) of nuclear safeguards. The control of civil nuclear material is mandatory within the EU territory in line with the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community (“Euratom Treaty”, 1958) and the Treaty on the...
Elena Mursa
(National Agency for Regulation of Nuclear and Radiological Activities, Moldova)
27/08/2015, 14:00
Strengthening the multilateral system of Nuclear Safeguards by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), imposed by the increasing cross-border illicit trafficking of nuclear material and redirecting for military purposes has led Republic of Moldova to ratify on 1 June 2012 the Additional Protocol (INFCIRC/690) to the Agreement of Nuclear Safeguards in relation with the NPT. This was...
Martha George
(Sierra Leone)
27/08/2015, 14:00
Sierra Leone under the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreements (CSAs) has enacted the Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection (NSRP) Act 2012 and has given numerous powers to the Authority to implement the above mentioned act fully.
The NSRP Act 2012 established the Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Authority which among other things to regulate, control and supervise the acquisition,...
Areerak Rueanngoen
(Office of Atoms for Peace, Thailand)
27/08/2015, 14:00
Thailand is a non-nuclear weapon state. The non-nuclear activities are mainly medical, agricultural, and industrial. Therefore, Thailand ratified the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) since 1972 and has been entry into force of the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement (INFCIRC 241) scince 1974. Based on the INFCIRC 153, Thailand established a system of accounting for and control of all...
Anna Melkumyan
(Nuclear Information and international coopertion section, Armenia)
27/08/2015, 14:00
The Agreement between the Republic Armenia (RA) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for the Application of Safeguards in connection with Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons was signed on 23.09.1993 and the Protocol Additional to the Safeguards Agreement was ratified on 28.06.2004.
In 2007 the RA invited the IAEA ISSAS mission that made recommendations the...
Jo Dee Martinez
Judith Carrillo-de-Fischer
27/08/2015, 14:00
Safeguards and non-proliferation
Knowledge management is the discipline of enabling individuals and teams to collectively and systematically create, share and apply knowledge. The most important assets in the IAEA Department of Safeguards are people and their knowledge. The focus of the Department’s knowledge management activities are to create an environment within which people share, learn and work together.
The efforts...
Yetunde AREGBE
(EC-JRC-IRMM, European Commission)
27/08/2015, 14:00
The deliverable of any laboratory is a measurement result with stated uncertainty and traceability (ISO/IEC 17025: 2005). Measurement results, particularly in safeguards, have to be accurate, comparable and traceable to a stated reference, preferably to the SI. Results provided by operator-, safeguards- or network laboratories have to be in compliance with specific quality goals for nuclear...
Brunelle Battistella
(World Institute for Nuclear Security)
27/08/2015, 14:00
The challenges inherent in managing nuclear and radiological materials are complex and growing; ensuring that such materials remain secure requires competent management supported by ongoing training. The nuclear industry is increasingly becoming aware of the need for nuclear security: numerous dedicated training centres have been established worldwide and the IAEA holds approximately 60...
Oum Keltoum Hakam
(University of Ibn Tofail, Morocco)
27/08/2015, 14:00
Morocco has made significant progress in the field of nuclear security by supporting the efforts and activities of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), promoting nuclear security under international initiatives and continues to undertake actions aiming at strengthening capacity building in nuclear security. As well, Morocco has developed a new law on radiological and nuclear safety...
Ana Lidia Carreño Padilla
(National Commission for Nuclear Safety and Safeguards)
27/08/2015, 14:00
The main goal of this paper is to underline the specific points needed still to be improved on safeguards in the Mexican legal framework.
The problem: Mexico was who proposed the Tlatelolco Treaty; which was before the TNP. So the Mexican legislation on safeguards should to be one of the best around the world, but there are still points to be improved, such as a specific regulation on the...
Amina Uthman
27/08/2015, 14:00
Nigeria’s growing interest in nuclear technology for peaceful uses raises concerns for safeguards and proliferation especially as it continues with her nuclear power program. According to the Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Act 19 of 1995, the Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NNRA) shall “perform all necessary functions to enable Nigeria meet its national and international...
Panebi J Imbiakpa
(Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority, Nigeria)
27/08/2015, 14:00
This paper presentation highlights the importance of safeguards and non proliferation of nuclear materials, implementation of safeguards systems and challenges of safeguards and non proliferation of nuclear materials
Safeguards and Non-proliferation of Nuclear Materials:
IAEA safeguards are measures through which the IAEA seeks to verify that nuclear material is not diverted...
(BATAN, Indonesia)
27/08/2015, 14:00
In the near future Indonesia, the fourth most populous country, plans to build a small size power plant most probably a Pebble Bed Modular Reactor PBMR. This first nuclear power plant (NPP) is aimed to provide clear picture to the society in regard to performance and safety of nuclear power plant operation. Selection to the PBMR based on several factor including the combination of small size...
Ilaria Anna Colussi
(European Studies Unit, Department of Political Science, University of Liège)
27/08/2015, 14:00
Safeguards and non-proliferation
The notion of ‘nuclear non-proliferation’ is twofold. It refers to: (a) reduction of the number of existing arsenals (vertical non-proliferation), and (b) containment of the number of States that possess nuclear weapons, or control of non-state actors (horizontal non-proliferation).
At the international law level, as vertical non-proliferation, there are bilateral or multilateral agreements...