Conference participants will have the opportunity to visit Nuclear Engineering Seibersdorf (NES), an Austrian facility for collecting, processing, conditioning and storing radioactive waste, as well the IAEA’s laboratories in Seibersdorf.
The IAEA laboratories belong to the Departments of Safeguards, and Nuclear Sciences and Applications.
The IAEA laboratories, which are situated about 35 km southeast of Vienna, contribute to the organization’s programmes with activities in nuclear verification and varied nuclear applications, e.g. for plant mutation breeding, food safety, animal production and health, soil and water management and crop nutrition, the sterile insect technique, nuclear spectrometry and instrumentation, medical dosimetry and terrestrial environment monitoring. The nuclear applications laboratories provide training in these areas for scientists and also analytical services to support and strengthen Member States’ laboratories. In addition, the laboratories conduct applied and adaptive research to develop and improve nuclear techniques and technologies.
The Nuclear Engineering Seibersdorf is collocated on the Seibersdorf site. Its main activities, which are carried out on behalf of the Republic of Austria, are the collection, processing, conditioning and storage of radioactive waste; decontamination of the installations and laboratories from 45 years of research and development at the Seibersdorf site; and the operation of the Hot Cell Laboratory.