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24–28 Aug 2015
IAEA, Vienna
Europe/Vienna timezone

Fire Protection Regulation for NPP in Republic of Korea

27 Aug 2015, 14:00
1h 30m
M-Building, 1st Floor (IAEA, Vienna)

M-Building, 1st Floor

IAEA, Vienna

Board: S11c-21


Yu-Lee Han (KHNP, Republic of Korea)


Purpose of NPP Fire protection at NPP in Korea is to minimize both probability of occurrence and consequence of fire. To meet this object, operating plants are designed to provide reasonable assurance through defence in depth. Ultimate goal is nuclear safety and Radioactive release to be minimized in the event of a fire. The korea regulatory framework for nuclear plant is based on number for US regulations and supporting guidelines, including but not limited to General Design Criterion. Each plants has their specific license so, they determine the applicability of a specific regulation to specific plant. In accordance with Korea nuclear regulation Atomic Energy law include fire protection program to protect structure, system and component important to safety. It also sates about requirement for Fire Hazard Analysis and fire prevention, fire detection system and suppression, building design and etc. After Fukushima accident, regulation is strengthened and many amendments and modification of fire protection system is proceeding to meet the requirement.
Country or International Organization Korea, Republic of

Primary author

Yu-Lee Han (KHNP, Republic of Korea)

Presentation materials