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History and current status of spent fuel management at Dukovany NPP

Not scheduled
Board Room A (VIC)

Board Room A


IAEA Headquarters Vienna, Austria


Mr Jiří Gerža (ČEZ, a.s., NPP Dukovany)


The first Czech Nuclear Power Plant, NPP Dukovany, has almost reached 30 years of safe operation. Significant amount of spent fuel has been produced, though a number of fuel cycle improvements helped to increase fuel performance and decrease its quantity. During the operation years, spent fuel management had to respond to many changes, both political and technical. We had to leave an option to send the spent fuel back to the country of origin and to find our own way how to deal with spent fuel. After a provisional measure of storing the fuel in neighbouring country we adopted spent fuel storage system based on dual purpose metal casks stored in the plant. New challenge is a future strategy - long term storing, final disposal or reprocessing for re-using.

Country/ int. organization

Czech Republic

Primary author

Mr Jiří Gerža (ČEZ, a.s., NPP Dukovany)

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