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Development of the Licensing Procedure and Regulatory Framework for the Spent Fuel Storage Cask in Korea

Not scheduled
Board Room A (VIC)

Board Room A


IAEA Headquarters Vienna, Austria


Mr Dae-Sik Yook (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety)


The future national policy for spent fuel management of Korea will be chosen based on the result of the public engagement, taking into consideration the national/international trends on policy and technology development. Based on this, the public engagement has started with the launch of the Public Engagement Commission on SNF management (PECOS) in 2013. Regardless of the recommendation report of PECOS, Spent fuel storage cask is necessary in Korea. Therefore, Concrete storage cask and dual purpose metal cask are now under development by the KORAD (KOrea RADioactive waste agency) for use in the interim storage facility in the future. Unfortunately, there is no independent licensing procedure on the spent fuel storage cask in nuclear safety act because it is considered as the main safety equipment in the interim storage facility. The aim of this study is to develop the licensing procedure for the storage cask in nuclear safety act and to develop the revision draft of nuclear safety act on the interim storage facility additionally. Once this independent licensing procedure on the spent fuel storage cask is introduced to the nuclear safety act, it is expected that developer or operator can develop and commercialize the storage cask in Korea. Independent licensing procedure for the spent fuel storage cask in nuclear safety act was developed and it was composed of the design approval of storage cask, administrative applying procedure, technical criteria, manufacture inspection, manufacture inspection criteria, periodical inspection, and periodic inspection criteria, etc. Especially, the safety case and aging management program was also developed to introduce the nuclear safety act as increasing the interest on the transport after long term dry storage. In order to develop the revision draft of nuclear safety act on the interim storage facility, the licensing procedure of interim spent fuel storage facility was separated from the current ‘disposal facility, etc.’ in accordance with the article 63 of nuclear safety act independently. This procedure was composed of the permit for construction and operation of interim storage facility, criteria for permit, inspection criteria, periodic safety review, and decommissioning criteria, etc. the detail contents of these requirements were also developed to introduce the regulatory framework for the interim storage facility.

Country/ int. organization

Korea, Republic of

Primary author

Mr Dae-Sik Yook (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety)

Presentation materials

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