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Innovative Polyvalent Fuel Treatment Facility

Not scheduled
Board Room A (VIC)

Board Room A


IAEA Headquarters Vienna, Austria


Mr jerome brueziere (AREVA)


Although many used nuclear fuel types have already been recycled, recycling plants are generally optimized for LWR UOx fuel. Benefits of used fuel recycling are consequently restricted to those fuels, with only limited capacity for the others like LWR MOX, FR MOX or Research reactor fuel. In order to increase the capacity of the La Hague plant to process other fuels, an innovative and polyvalent shearing and dissolving cell is planned to be put in operation at La Hague. This installation, called TCP (French abbreviation for polyvalent fuel treatment), will be set up to accept a wide range of fuel while benefiting from the installed capacity. The TCP shearing tool and dissolving equipment will benefit from AREVA’s industrial experience, while taking part in the next steps towards a fast reactor fuel cycle development using innovative treatment solutions. Feasibility studies and R&D trials on dissolution and shearing are currently ongoing. This new installation will allow AREVA to propose new services to their Customers, in particular in term of MOX fuel, Research Test Reactors fuel and Fast Reactor fuel treatment.

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