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Status of the Swedish Programme for Deep Geological Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel

Not scheduled
Board Room A (VIC)

Board Room A


IAEA Headquarters Vienna, Austria


Ms Saida Laârouchi Engstroem (SKB)


The licensing processes according to the nuclear activities act and the environmental code is now going on. The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority has so far asked SKB for additional information regarding e.g. copper corrosion, canister design, groundwater flow modelling and biosphere modelling. The Land and Environmental Court has received input from many stakeholders including the concerned municipalities, environmental groups and many others regarding their requests for additional documentation or explanations by SKB. These requests cover issues concerning site selection, alternative disposal methods, environmental consequences due to groundwater discharge and increased traffic, just to name a few. The Court will now make its own judgement and prepare the formal demand on SKB for additional information. It is presently estimated that the final statements to the government by SSM and the Environmental court will come in 2015. Political decisions, provided that the safety authority and the court have given a green light, by the municipalities of Östhammar and Oskarshamn could then possibly be taken in 2016 followed by a final decision of the Swedish government, whereby construction of the repository could start around 2020. The local public opinion is still very positive with about 80 % of the population being positive to the plans of SKB. A broad dialogue with all stakeholders will continue to be of high priority for SKB in order to arrive at a situation in a few years from now where all necessary decisions can be taken based on a credible and transparent understanding of the critical issues. While the licensing process is still under way, SKB continues to prepare for implementing the KBS3-system. Among other things, this entails building up an organization and industrial production system for all parts of the final disposal process.

Country/ int. organization

Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co

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