Closing Plenary
- Tero Varjoranta (IAEA)
Klaas van der Meer
Michael Whitaker
24/10/2014, 14:00
(M. Whitaker)
Good afternoon everyone.
On behalf of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management, we are grateful for the opportunity to support this symposium. The number of symposium events – presentations, posters, technical demonstrations, panel discussions, and receptions – has been completely overwhelming and truly impressive. My compliments to the IAEA organization staff for a...
Karen Owen-Whitred
24/10/2014, 14:20
Good afternoon everyone. As you can see, I am not Rob Floyd. My name is Karen Owen-Whitred and I’m the Director of the International Safeguards Division with the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission.
I was asked to be rapporteur for the Symposium just over one week ago. I said yes, clearly, based largely on my own lack of understanding of what is expected of a...
Tero Varjoranta
(IAEA DDG/Safeguards)
24/10/2014, 15:10
Excellencies, friends and colleagues,
For me, this week has been a success. I have been impressed with the range and depth of discussion that has taken place, not only in the formal sessions, but also in the coffee breaks, over lunch and into the evening.
When we placed an international call for papers earlier this year, we did not expect that we would receive 400 abstracts and end up...