State of the Art Environmental Sample Analysis
- Gabriele Voigt (IAEA)
- James Tushingham (UK)
State of the Art Environmental Sample Analysis
- James Tushingham (UK)
- Gabriele Voigt (IAEA)
Yetunde AREGBE
22/10/2014, 09:10
Safeguards conclusions are based to a large extent on comparison of measurement results between operator and safeguards laboratories. Measurement results must state traceability and uncertainties to be comparable. Recent workshops held at the IAEA and in the frame of the European Safeguards Research and Development Association (ESARDA), reviewed different approaches for Nuclear Material...
Randa Higgy
22/10/2014, 09:30
Being able to detect and identify undeclared reprocessing activities involving the extraction of plutonium from irradiated fuel remains a major nuclear non-proliferation concern and challenge to international Safeguards. One tool the International Atomic Energy Agency uses for detecting possible undeclared reprocessing activities is environmental sampling (ES).
The reprocessing of irradiated...
Uri Admon
(Rotem Industries, Mishor Yamin, Israel)
22/10/2014, 11:00
Two approaches may be employed in the preparation of Reference Materials (RMs) for use in micro analytical techniques: placement of characterized micro artefacts in bulk materials and characterization of certain classes of individual particles in existing materials. In November 2013, a collaborative project was launched with the aim of adding information about such individual particles in...
Kerstin Fiola
(VKTA Rossendorf e. V.)
22/10/2014, 11:20
The VKTA (Nuclear Engineering and Analytics Inc.) is charged by the Free State of Saxony with the decommissioning and waste management of the nuclear installations at the research site Dresden-Rossendorf. This task includes the safe management and disposal of fissile material and radioactive wastes.
The acquired expertise and our solution-oriented way of working are the basis for a varied...
Zsuzsanna Macsik
(International Atomic Energy Agency)
22/10/2014, 11:40
As part of the ECAS (Enhancing Capabilities of Safeguards Analytical Services) project a new generation multi collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (MC-ICP-MS) has been installed in the Environmental Sample Laboratory of the IAEA’s Safeguards Analytical Laboratories for the bulk analysis of environmental swipe samples. Several analytical procedures have been validated for bulk...
Ivan Elantyev
(Laboratory for Microparticle Analysis)
22/10/2014, 12:00
Traditional method of the analysis implies simultaneous measuring of secondary ion currents of isotopes 234U+, 235U+, 238U+, ions with mass 236 amu (236U+ and 235UH+) and hydride ions 238UH+ by using mass-spectrometer Cameca IMS1280 in multicollection mode. Calculating of uranium isotopic composition is performed using the results of 40 successive measurements of those currents (cycles)....