Antonina Gorbunova
21/10/2014, 14:50
Information and Analytical Centre for nuclear materials investigations was established in Russian Federation in the February 02 of 2009 by ROSATOM State Atomic Energy Corporation (the order # 80). Its purpose is in preventing unauthorized access to nuclear materials and excluding their illicit traffic. Information and Analytical Centre includes analytical laboratory to provide composition and...
Imre Szalóki
(Institute of Nuclear Techniques, Budapest University of Technology and Economics)
21/10/2014, 14:50
New mobile analytical device based on combination of X-ray fluorescence and Raman spectrometer has been developed for prompt and quantitative characterization of chemical component from Al to U in nuclear waste or undeclared materials. The excitation source of the X-ray fluorescence spectrometer is an air-cooled X-ray tube with Ag transmission anode. For collection of secondary X-ray photons...
Danièle Roudil
21/10/2014, 14:50
Analytical approaches are validated by demonstrating that they are suitable for their intended objectives and meet particular requirements of each unit.
In this context of analytical validation, included in its main mission of promotion of good analytical practices, the CEA’s Committee for the Establishment of Analysis Method (CETAMA) has implemented the program known as “quality Assessment...
Alexander Knott
21/10/2014, 14:50
Individual particle analysis of nuclear materials is an important tool in nuclear safeguards and nuclear forensics. Particles in the sub-micrometer to micrometer range are investigated routinely for nuclear safeguards analysis. Different techniques are utilized for particle discrimination and characterization, including scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray...
Charles Barinaga
(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory / Battelle Memorial Institute)
21/10/2014, 14:50
The International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) long-term R&D plan calls for the development of new methods to detect misuse at nuclear fuel cycle facilities such as reprocessing and enrichment plants. At enrichment plants, for example, the IAEA’s contemporary safeguards approaches are based on a combination of routine and random inspections that include collection of UF6 samples from...